Pokemon The Last Fire Red Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for GameBoy Advance (2024)

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Pokemon The Last Fire Red Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for GameBoy Advance (1)

  • Developer: Romsprid
  • Publisher: Romsprid
  • Genre: Role-Playing
  • Release: Not Set
  • Platform: GameBoy Advance
  • ESRB: Not Set



Unlimited Master Balls

If you're looking for a way to get unlimited Master Balls in your game try this cheat code: 820257C4 0001. It lets you withdraw as many of these powerful Poké Balls as you want from any PC in the game. Just enter the code in the cheat menu of your emulator and you're good to go. But don't forget to turn it off when you're done or it might mess up your game.

From: JasonaterApr 20, 2023


Unlimited Rare Candy Cheat

Looking for a way to get unlimited rare candy in your game? Look no further than this cheat code! Simply enter 820257C4 0044 into the cheat menu of your game emulator and you'll be able to withdraw as much rare candy as you want from any item PC. Just remember to deactivate the code when you're finished using it. And if you're looking for other free items be sure to check out our lists for unlimited berries PP money master balls healing items and other items.

From: WakierApr 20, 2023


Teleport or Warp Anywhere

If you're looking to save time and quickly move around different parts of the game map then teleporting or warping is the way to go. Turn off the cheat once you've reached your desired location otherwise you'll keep getting transported back to the same spot.

To activate the teleport cheat in Last Fire Red simply replace the XXXX in the code below with the corresponding 4 digit code for the location you want to reach. Not all locations may work and using this cheat to access areas that you haven't reached yet in the game's story may cause glitches.


Location Codes

  • 0003 = Pallet Town
  • 0103 = Viridian City
  • 0203 = Pewter City
  • 0303 = Cerulean City
  • 0403 = Lavender Town
  • 0503 = Vermilion City
  • 0603 = Celedon City
  • 0703 = Fuchsia City
  • 0803 = Cinnabar Island
  • 0903 = Indigo Plateau
  • 0A03 = Saffron City
  • 0B03 = Neo=Saffron City
  • 0C03 = Island 1
  • 0D03 = Island 2
  • 0E03 = Island 3
  • 0F03 = Island 4
  • 1003 = Island 5
  • 1103 = Island 6
  • 1203 = Island 7
  • 1303 = Route 1
  • 1403 = Route 2
  • 1503 = Route 3
  • 1603 = Route 4
  • 1703 = Route 5
  • 1803 = Route 6
  • 1903 = Route 7
  • 1a03 = Route 8
  • 1b03 = Route 9
  • 1c03 = Route 10
  • 1d03 = Route 11
  • 1e03 = Route 12
  • 1f03 = Route 13
  • 2003 = Route 14
  • 2103 = Route 15
  • 2203 = Route 16
  • 2303 = Route 17
  • 2403 = Route 18
  • 2503 = Route 19
  • 2603 = Route 20
  • 2703 = Route 21
  • 2803 = Neo Route 21
  • 2903 = Route 22
  • 2A03 = Route 23
  • 2B03 = Route 24
  • 2C03 = Route 25

From: SweetyApr 20, 2023


Shiny Pokemon Encounter Cheat

By using this cheat you can guarantee that the next Pokemon you come across in the wild will be a shiny variant. Simply input the following codes: 1670047D 04815C68 and 18452A7D DDE55BCC.

From: MrBrownApr 20, 2023


Wild Pokemon Modifier Cheat

If you're looking to encounter a specific Pokemon in the wild try using the Wild Pokemon Modifier Cheat. All you need to do is input the 4 digit code for the Pokemon you want to encounter in place of the XXXX in the code. This will ensure that the next wild Pokemon you come across will be the one you're looking for.

8202404C XXXX

  • 0001 = BULBASAUR
  • 0002 = IVYSAUR
  • 0003 = VENUSAUR
  • 0004 = CHARMANDER
  • 0005 = CHARMELEON
  • 0006 = CHARIZARD
  • 0007 = SQUIRTLE
  • 0008 = WARTORTLE
  • 0009 = BLASTOISE
  • 000A = CATERPIE
  • 000B = METAPOD
  • 000D = WEEDLE
  • 000E = KAKUNA
  • 000F = BEEDRILL
  • 0010 = PIDGEY
  • 0011 = PIDGEOTTO
  • 0012 = PIDGEOT
  • 0013 = RATTATA
  • 0014 = RATICATE
  • 0015 = SPEAROW
  • 0016 = FEAROW
  • 0017 = EKANS
  • 0018 = ARBOK
  • 0019 = PIKACHU
  • 001A = RAICHU
  • 001B = SANDSHREW
  • 001C = SANDSLASH
  • 001D = NIDORAN Female
  • 001E = NIDORINA
  • 001F = NIDOQUEEN
  • 0020 = NIDORAN Male
  • 0021 = NIDORINO
  • 0022 = NIDOKING
  • 0023 = CLEFAIRY
  • 0024 = CLEFABLE
  • 0025 = VULPIX
  • 0026 = NINETALES
  • 0027 = JIGGLYPUFF
  • 0028 = WIGGLYTUFF
  • 0029 = ZUBAT
  • 002A = GOLBAT
  • 002B = ODDISH
  • 002C = GLOOM
  • 002D = VILEPLUME
  • 002E = PARAS
  • 002F = PARASECT
  • 0030 = VENONAT
  • 0031 = VENOMOTH
  • 0032 = DIGLETT
  • 0033 = DUGTRIO
  • 0034 = MEOWTH
  • 0035 = PERSIAN
  • 0036 = PSYDUCK
  • 0037 = GOLDUCK
  • 0038 = MANKEY
  • 0039 = PRIMEAPE
  • 003A = GROWLITHE
  • 003B = ARCANINE
  • 003C = POLIWAG
  • 003D = POLIWHIRL
  • 003E = POLIWRATH
  • 003F = ABRA
  • 0040 = KADABRA
  • 0041 = ALAKAZAM
  • 0042 = MACHOP
  • 0043 = MACHOKE
  • 0044 = MACHAMP
  • 0045 = BELLSPROUT
  • 0046 = WEEPINBELL
  • 0047 = VICTREEBEL
  • 0048 = TENTACOOL
  • 0049 = TENTACRUEL
  • 004A = GEODUDE
  • 004B = GRAVELER
  • 004C = GOLEM
  • 004D = PONYTA
  • 004E = RAPIDASH
  • 004F = SLOWPOKE
  • 0050 = SLOWBRO
  • 0051 = MAGNEMITE
  • 0052 = MAGNETON
  • 0053 = FARFETCH'D
  • 0054 = DODUO
  • 0055 = DODRIO
  • 0056 = SEEL
  • 0057 = DEWGONG
  • 0058 = GRIMER
  • 0059 = MUK
  • 005A = SHELLDER
  • 005B = CLOYSTER
  • 005C = GASTLY
  • 005D = HAUNTER
  • 005E = GENGAR
  • 005F = ONIX
  • 0060 = DROWZEE
  • 0061 = HYPNO
  • 0062 = KRABBY
  • 0063 = KINGLER
  • 0064 = VOLTORB
  • 0065 = ELECTRODE
  • 0066 = EXEGGCUTE
  • 0067 = EXEGGUTOR
  • 0068 = CUBONE
  • 0069 = MAROWAK
  • 006A = HITMONLEE
  • 006C = LICKITUNG
  • 006D = KOFFING
  • 006E = WEEZING
  • 006F = RHYHORN
  • 0070 = RHYDON
  • 0071 = CHANSEY
  • 0072 = TANGELA
  • 0073 = KANGASKHAN
  • 0074 = HORSEA
  • 0075 = SEADRA
  • 0076 = GOLDEEN
  • 0077 = SEAKING
  • 0078 = STARYU
  • 0079 = STARMIE
  • 007A = MRMIME
  • 007B = SCYTHER
  • 007C = JYNX
  • 007E = MAGMAR
  • 007F = PINSIR
  • 0080 = TAUROS
  • 0081 = MAGIKARP
  • 0082 = GYARADOS
  • 0083 = LAPRAS
  • 0084 = DITTO
  • 0085 = EEVEE
  • 0086 = VAPOREON
  • 0087 = JOLTEON
  • 0088 = FLAREON
  • 0089 = PORYGON
  • 008A = OMANYTE
  • 008B = OMASTAR
  • 008C = KABUTO
  • 008D = KABUTOPS
  • 008F = SNORLAX
  • 0090 = ARTICUNO
  • 0091 = ZAPDOS
  • 0092 = MOLTRES
  • 0093 = DRATINI
  • 0094 = DRAGONAIR
  • 0095 = DRAGONITE
  • 0096 = MEWTWO
  • 0097 = Mew
  • 0098 = CHIKORITA
  • 0099 = BAYLEEF
  • 009A = MEGANIUM
  • 009B = CYNDAQUIL
  • 009C = QUILAVA
  • 009E = TOTODILE
  • 009F = CROCONAW
  • 00A1 = SENTRET
  • 00A2 = FURRET
  • 00A3 = HOOTHOOT
  • 00A4 = NOCTOWL
  • 00A5 = LEDYBA
  • 00A6 = LEDIAN
  • 00A7 = SPINARAK
  • 00A8 = ARIADOS
  • 00A9 = CROBAT
  • 00AB = LANTURN
  • 00AC = PICHU
  • 00AD = CLEFFA
  • 00AF = TOGEPI
  • 00B0 = TOGETIC
  • 00B1 = NATU
  • 00B2 = XATU
  • 00B3 = MAREEP
  • 00B4 = FLAAFFY
  • 00B5 = AMPHAROS
  • 00B6 = BELLOSSOM
  • 00B7 = MARILL
  • 00B8 = AZUMARILL
  • 00B9 = SUDOWOODO
  • 00BB = HOPPIP
  • 00BE = AIPOM
  • 00BF = SUNKERN
  • 00C0 = SUNFLORA
  • 00C1 = YANMA
  • 00C2 = WOOPER
  • 00C3 = QUAGSIRE
  • 00C4 = ESPEON
  • 00C5 = UMBREON
  • 00C6 = MURKROW
  • 00C7 = SLOWKING
  • 00C9 = UNOWN
  • 00CC = PINECO
  • 00CF = GLIGAR
  • 00D0 = STEELIX
  • 00D1 = SNUBBULL
  • 00D2 = GRANBULL
  • 00D3 = QWILFISH
  • 00D4 = SCIZOR
  • 00D5 = SHUCKLE
  • 00D6 = HERACROSS
  • 00D7 = SNEASEL
  • 00D8 = TEDDIURSA
  • 00D9 = URSARING
  • 00DA = SLUGMA
  • 00DC = SWINUB
  • 00DE = CORSOLA
  • 00E0 = OCTILLERY
  • 00E1 = DELIBIRD
  • 00E2 = MANTINE
  • 00E3 = SKARMORY
  • 00E4 = HOUNDOUR
  • 00E5 = HOUNDOOM
  • 00E6 = KINGDRA
  • 00E7 = PHANPY
  • 00E8 = DONPHAN
  • 00E9 = PORYGON
  • 00EC = TYROGUE
  • 00EF = ELEKID
  • 00F0 = MAGBY
  • 00F1 = MILTANK
  • 00F2 = BLISSEY
  • 00F3 = RAIKOU
  • 00F4 = ENTEI
  • 00F5 = SUICUNE
  • 00F6 = LARVITAR
  • 00F7 = PUPITAR
  • 00F8 = TYRANITAR
  • 00F9 = Lugia
  • 00FA = HO-OH
  • 00FB = CELEBI
  • 0115 = TREECKO
  • 0116 = GROVYLE
  • 0117 = SCEPTILE
  • 0118 = TORCHIC
  • 0119 = COMBUSKEN
  • 011A = BLAZIKEN
  • 011B = MUDKIP
  • 011C = MARSHTOMP
  • 011D = SWAMPERT
  • 011E = POOCHYENA
  • 011F = MIGHTYENA
  • 0120 = ZIGZAGOON
  • 0121 = LINOONE
  • 0122 = WURMPLE
  • 0123 = SILCOON
  • 0124 = BEAUTIFLY
  • 0125 = CASCOON
  • 0126 = DUSTOX
  • 0127 = LOTAD
  • 0128 = LOMBRE
  • 0129 = LUDICOLO
  • 012A = SEEDOT
  • 012B = NUZLEAF
  • 012C = SHIFTRY
  • 012D = NINCADA
  • 012E = NINJASK
  • 012F = SHEDINJA
  • 0130 = TAILLOW
  • 0131 = SWELLOW
  • 0132 = SHROOMISH
  • 0133 = BRELOOM
  • 0134 = SPINDA
  • 0135 = WINGULL
  • 0136 = PELIPPER
  • 0137 = SURSKIT
  • 0138 = MASQUERAIN
  • 0139 = WAILMER
  • 013A = WAILORD
  • 013B = SKITTY
  • 013C = DELCATTY
  • 013D = KECLEON
  • 013E = BALTOY
  • 013F = CLAYDOL
  • 0140 = NOSEPASS
  • 0141 = TORKOAL
  • 0142 = SABLEYE
  • 0143 = BARBOACH
  • 0144 = WHISCASH
  • 0145 = LUVDISC
  • 0146 = CORPHISH
  • 0147 = CRAWDAUNT
  • 0148 = FEEBAS
  • 0149 = MILOTIC
  • 014A = CARVANHA
  • 014B = SHARPEDO
  • 014C = TRAPINCH
  • 014D = VIBRAVA
  • 014E = FLYGON
  • 014F = MAKUHITA
  • 0150 = HARIYAMA
  • 0151 = ELECTRIKE
  • 0152 = MANECTRIC
  • 0153 = NUMEL
  • 0154 = CAMERUPT
  • 0155 = SPHEAL
  • 0156 = SEALEO
  • 0157 = WALREIN
  • 0158 = CACNEA
  • 0159 = CACTURNE
  • 015A = SNORUNT
  • 015B = GLALIE
  • 015C = LUNATONE
  • 015D = SOLROCK
  • 015E = AZURILL
  • 015F = SPOINK
  • 0160 = GRUMPIG
  • 0161 = PLUSLE
  • 0162 = MINUN
  • 0163 = MAWILE
  • 0164 = MEDITITE
  • 0165 = MEDICHAM
  • 0166 = SWABLU
  • 0167 = ALTARIA
  • 0168 = WYNAUT
  • 0169 = DUSKULL
  • 016A = DUSCLOPS
  • 016B = ROSELIA
  • 016C = SLAKOTH
  • 016D = VIGOROTH
  • 016E = SLAKING
  • 016F = GULPIN
  • 0170 = SWALOT
  • 0171 = TROPIUS
  • 0172 = WHISMUR
  • 0173 = LOUDRED
  • 0174 = EXPLOUD
  • 0175 = CLAMPERL
  • 0176 = HUNTAIL
  • 0177 = GOREBYSS
  • 0178 = ABSOL
  • 0179 = SHUPPET
  • 017A = BANETTE
  • 017B = SEVIPER
  • 017C = ZANGOOSE
  • 017D = RELICANTH
  • 017E = ARON
  • 017F = LAIRON
  • 0180 = AGGRON
  • 0181 = CASTFORM
  • 0182 = VOLBEAT
  • 0183 = ILLUMISE
  • 0184 = LILEEP
  • 0185 = CRADILY
  • 0186 = ANORITH
  • 0187 = ARMALDO
  • 0188 = RALTS
  • 0189 = KIRLIA
  • 018A = GARDEVOIR
  • 018B = Bagon
  • 018C = SHELGON
  • 018D = SALAMENCE
  • 018E = BELDUM
  • 018F = METANG
  • 0190 = METAGROSS
  • 0191 = REGIROCK
  • 0192 = REGICE
  • 0193 = REGISTEEL
  • 0194 = KYOGRE
  • 0195 = GROUDON
  • 0196 = RAYQUAZA
  • 0197 = LATIAS
  • 0198 = LATIOS
  • 0199 = JIRACHI
  • 019A = DEOXYS
  • 019B = CHIMECHO

From: GUIDSENApr 20, 2023


How to obtain the wish piece

To obtain the wish piece enter the code 820257C4 0058 and activate it. You can then retrieve the wish piece from your item PC.

For unlimited items in the game refer to the following codes. If you specifically want Rare Candy or Master Balls use the links provided.

To use any of these cheats use the first part of the code and add the 4 digits that correspond to the item you want. For example to obtain multiple potions use the code 820257C4 000D. All items obtained through these cheats can be retrieved from any item PC.

Deactivate the cheat once you are done and only save your progress when you are certain everything has gone smoothly.

For heal and potion codes refer to our list below. For other items not listed check out our lists for free items such as Unlimited Berries Unlimited PP Unlimited Money Unlimited Master Balls Unlimited Rare Candy Unlimited Mail Items and Unlimited Other Items.

820257C4 XXX (Then replace the XXXX with the 4 digit code from the list below)

  • 000D = Potion
  • 000E = Antidote
  • 000F = Burn Heal
  • 0010 = Ice Heal
  • 0011 = Awakening
  • 0012 = Parlyz Heal
  • 0013 = Full Restore
  • 0014 = Max Potion
  • 0015 = Hyper Potion
  • 0016 = Super Potion
  • 0017 = Full Heal
  • 0018 = Revive
  • 0019 = Max Revive

From: DSKSApr 20, 2023


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Game Walkthroughs

Walkthrough (GBA)

  • Playthrough Part 1 Is That Zarude!
  • From: HVoltsy

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What's the master code?

I am looking for the master code yet I can't find it what is it for the pokemon modifier codes...

From: Pokelover64Posted on: 09-04-2023

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Pokemon The Last Fire Red - Gameplay Trailer

  • Added on: Apr 20, 2023

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Pokemon The Last Fire Red Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for GameBoy Advance (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.