Volume 99, No. 9 September 2015 Oh Christmas Tree!can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come - [PDF Document] (2024)

Volume 99, No. 9 September 2015 Oh Christmas Tree!can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come - [PDF Document] (1)

Bluestone Mountain Farm ...................................2Spotted Lanternfly ...............................................32015 Women in Ag ..............................................3What’s Cookin' .....................................................4Classified Advertisem*nts ...................................5Garden Calendar .................................................8



Featured Inside

Walt Helmick, Commissioner



Volume 99, No. 9September 2015


THE MARKET BULLETINWV Department of AgricultureWalt Helmick, Commissioner1900 Kanawha Blvd., EastCharleston, WV 25305-0170September 2015

NonProfit OrganizationU.S. Postage PaidPermit 80Charleston, WV 25301

West Virginia has perhaps the best water resources of any state in our entire nation. We can lay claim to headwaters that millions of non-West Virginians use on a daily basis. Thousands visit our state to boat, fish and sightsee. And a trip to the swimming hole is a summertime tradition throughout the Mountain State. In fact, I believe water is our most valuable natural resource – particularly considering the alarming depletion of water resources in the western United States, the source of an immense amount of the food we consume as a nation. Protecting our water resources is paramount to the future of our state – economically, recreationally and culturally. It’s crucial to our tourism industries. It’s a part of the natural beauty we experience every day as Mountaineers. And business development in West Virginia will doubtless include strong consideration of quality water resources for recreation, household use and local food production. It’s no secret that our heavy industries – coal, timber, steel and chemicals – are hurting. Global economic forces, environmental concerns and regulatory requirements have been chipping away at those sectors for decades, resulting in thousands of lost jobs and economic stagnation. I share the legitimate concerns many have expressed regarding EPA’s management of the Clean Water Act, in particular its recent rules regarding “waters of the United States (WOTUS).” We don’t need rules that are made simply to punish farmers for producing food. We don’t need rules that unfairly single out urban or rural pollution sources for enforcement. We need a realization that five-figure fines that are minor deterrents to major agribusinesses are death sentences for the typical farm in West Virginia. Trees, continued on page 2

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas to Gene Bailey, even in the middle of summer. The owner of Bluestone Nursery in Mercer County has been growing Christmas trees since he planted his first at the age of 13. That was 69 years ago. His passion for all things fir, pine, and spruce is legendary. Fellow growers like Larry Wilkerson hold him in high regard. “A lot of us call Gene Mr. Christmas Tree. I wish I knew what Gene has forgotten over the years.”

“The weeds are really tiring. We’re constantly mowing and trimming and weed wacking,” he says. “This year with all the rain, it’s been a major problem.” June, July, and August is shearing, or shaping, time. “The white pine is usually the first. We start about the 10th of June,” explains Bailey. “Hopefully we have the pines shaped by mid-July and then we start with spruce and fir. Sometimes it takes

Water resources critical to West Virginia’s economy of the future

Oh Christmas Tree!

Bailey, who is now 82, surveys his 20 acres of Christmas trees on Stovall Ridge Road near Camp Creek using a cane. He can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come the holidays, and how to bring in the customers. “A successful tree farm is all about giving people what they want. That can change from year to year,” he stresses. Bailey is one of several dozen Christmas tree growers in West Virginia. They’re a tight-knit group that meets twice a year. “We exchange ideas. We have a newsletter. It’s a brotherhood of tree growers,” explains Wilkerson, the owner of Wilkerson Christmas Tree Farm in Lincoln County near Yawkey. Any Christmas tree grower will tell you the work does not begin and end in December. “It’s a year-round business. Most of us will start planting in March and April. You’ve got to get the trees in the ground by the first couple weeks in April at the latest,” says Bailey. Just like other farmers, Bailey worries about those late frosts that can kill a seedling and stunt new growth on established trees. And then there are the weeds. Mowing is a constant job. Alan Gibson of Ridgefield Farm and Orchard in Harper’s Ferry says it’s one of the most frustrating parts of owning a Christmas tree farm.

until the first of October to get those done.” Shearing is all-important and each farmer does it different. “There seems to be a trend toward trees that aren’t quite as full. There are spaces between the limbs. Customers want to be able to hang the ornaments so they’ll show,” according to Wilkerson. Bailey says his customers prefer a more natural tree, one that’s more dense, hence less shearing. Once the shearing is complete there’s about a four week window before it’s time to start preparing for the crowds that stream in from the week of Thanksgiving until the third week in December. Bailey, Wilkerson, and Gibson all have cut and carry businesses where families can chose what tree they want, cut it themselves, and then strap it to the top of their vehicle for the ride home. Bailey and Gibson’s customers are partial to Canaan Fir. Wilkerson’s best sellers are white pine and blue spruce. Traditionally, customers look for trees about seven feet tall. Gibson’s clientele want something entirely different.

Above: Gene Bailey, 82, has been growing Christmas trees for almost seven decades.

Volume 99, No. 9 September 2015 Oh Christmas Tree!can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come - [PDF Document] (2)

the reason for the state of our economy. Demonizing EPA or some other factor for every problem we have will only ensure that West Virginia never gets a seat at the table. And it will continue to distract us from the things we need to do to diversify and grow our economy from within – such as rebuilding our local food production systems. We need to drop the negatives, end the cycle of blame and focus on what we can do for ourselves with the enviable resources we do have. West Virginia agriculture must evolve into a modern business enterprise that can demonstrate it operates in a fashion that is friendly to the environment, free from food safety concerns, and appealing to consumers. A $7 billion opportunity is staring us in the face. That’s the amount we spend on food every year as a state. And the vast majority of that food is being produced somewhere else by someone else. Until next time I remain yours in service.

Page 2 The Market Bulletin

Walt’s View, cont. from page 1

Rhonda Dortch lives on 15 acres overlooking the Greenbrier River. She calls her piece of heaven Bluestone Mountain Farm. “One day in the fall, I took a trip to see the colors. I’d never been as far as West Virginia. I thought, ‘Oh my!’ It was beautiful. I needed a break from commercialism and wanted to expand my farm and business. It seemed like a great piece of land. I felt a deep connection.” She moved from North Carolina where she was running an educational/organic farm to Summers County in 2011. It wasn’t until 2012 that she began leasing the land she now calls home. Bluestone Mountain isn’t your typical farm. Dortch lives as far off the grid and as close to the land as possible. She is Greenbrier Valley Grown certified as well as Animal Welfare Approved. “I’m against genetically modified seeds, plants, and livestock. I rarely go to the grocery store. I might have one bag of trash once a month. Almost everything goes back into the farm.” For example, all the feathers that come from processing her chickens and turkeys go back on her field and get plowed into the ground. It adds nitrogen into the soil. She burns paper products and uses the potash on the garden. “Everything can be circled back into the farm. It can be used here,” Dortch stresses. “The more you streamline what you really need, you’ll find you need less.” That ‘less is more’ philosophy is one shared by a growing number of small farmers in southern West Virginia. Dortch found that out after putting an ad in the local paper for some ducklings. She heard from a man living in Sandstone, about 20 miles away. He was looking for fresh, GMO-free food. The two struck up a friendship and together created a chat group, http://westvirginiafarmers.org/. Members can ask questions

about farming techniques, where to find certain items, and bartering. “I needed some bees. I was chatting with a 75-year old woman who said she’d love to barter a hive of bees for a bushel of tomatoes. I said, ‘You’re on.’” Dortch also barters for services. She met a man that

But we do need rules to protect our natural resources and to ensure a level playing field for everyone. West Virginia’s success working with EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program is one example of how farming can thrive without compromising the environment. Using voluntary agricultural best management practices, we have quietly become one of the leading states in reducing reducing nutrient loading in our streams. “EPA recognizes that West Virginia has remained on track towards and continues making good progress in meeting its agricultural commitments and targets…” notes an EPA report released this summer. Cooperation and dialog among all parties has resulted in enhanced state conservation programs, more detailed modeling that more accurately represents agriculture’s conservation efforts, and demonstrable positive environmental effects. What we’ve done in this past – or failed to do – is

will help fix farm equipment, process chickens, and repair her 4-wheeler. In return, she pays some of his utility bills. It’s a win/win. Dortch’s main income from the farm comes from her Bluestone soap. It’s made of goat’s milk. It’s a value-added product that she can sell anytime of the year. It’s not perishable. “It’s healing soap made with essential oils. I have 39 different kinds from soaps that treat everything from eczema, poison ivy, and acne to bars that keep the bugs away, cleans grime, and then there are my aromatherapy soaps.” says Dortch. “They are not harsh. They are herbal soaps.” In addition to a small herd of goats, Dortch keeps cows, donkeys, turkeys, endangered heritage Ancona ducks, Embden geese, several hives of bees, and five working dogs. She raises heritage crops like bloody butcher corn for cornmeal and heirloom tomatoes and produce. “I guess I have farm ADD! It’s fun, all the things that I do, and I want to do and learn more,” she stresses.It’s not an easy way of life. “It’s not like going to work and punching a clock. I work seven days a week from morning till I go to bed at night,” she says. Dortch has chosen to sell her produce, meats, and

products online and at select farmers’ markets, festivals, and specialty markets. Her online and word-of-mouth advertising is working. “The Greenbrier Resort called the other day. They said they were doing a Farm to Table event. They wanted several chickens. I was thrilled about that! It’s a great way to promote my business.” Dortch admits her bare bones farming isn’t for everyone, but it suits her just fine.

“It builds such strength. This is definitely a way of life. Every day is so different.” To find out more about Bluestone Mountain Farm and Dortch’s approach to farming, check out her website at http://www.bluestonemountainfarm.com/ and Facebook page at Bluestone Mountain Farm.

Bluestone Mountain Farm in Summers County is Greenbrier Valley Grown-certified and Animal Welfare approved. Rhonda Dortch, farm operator, lives as far off the grid as possible and puts almost everything she uses back into the farm.

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Less is More at Bluestone Mountain Farm

“A lot of people want huge trees because they have huge great rooms. We sell a lot of 9, 10, 11 foot trees. There’s also a large amount of people who want little trees for tabletops, bedrooms, kid’s rooms. Then there are others who want a Charlie Brown tree,” says Gibson. “I’m not sure why but we can always accommodate them.” What no grower wants to accommodate is the biggest pest of them all. It’s not a disease. It’s not an insect. It’s the white-tail deer. “We could change the name from Ridgefield Farm to Deer Park! Our trees are basically a big buffet 24/7. Every year I think it can’t get worse, but it does,” says

Gibson. Wilkerson calls it a “constant battle.” Deer can eat the middle branches out of a tree and make it unsellable. The cost to Christmas tree growers can reach tens of thousands of dollars each year. While there’s no tried and true solution, Wilkerson says he’s had success with a product you spray on the trees to keep the deer away. During the winter, the tree farmers will clean up debris, fix roads and paths to their farms, and spray stumps. Come spring they’re ready to do it all again. All three Christmas tree farmers stress you’ll never get rich growing Christmas trees.

“We don’t make a lot of money off them, but it’s a fun thing to do. At Christmas time when you have little kids come through, see their joy and excitement, it’s all worth it,” says Wilkerson. Bailey hopes to see the 1,600 trees he helped plant this year grow to maturity and be hauled off someday by happy families. “I sure like it. I just wish I could get out there and do more!”

To learn more about these growers and others across the state log on to http://wvchristmastreegrowers.com/.

Trees, cont. from page 1

Check out the WVDA’s new website at www.agriculture.wv.gov!

Volume 99, No. 9 September 2015 Oh Christmas Tree!can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come - [PDF Document] (3)

A new invasive insect, spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula), was discovered in November 2014 in Berks County, Pennsylvania. It is a planthopper native to China, India and Vietnam that is known to attack over 70 plant species and is considered an invasive pest in Korea where it was introduced in 2006. This is the first detection of the spotted lanternfly in the United States. This insect is quite stunning, with decorative spots and bright colors of yellow and red on the adult. However, its beauty can be misleading. It has the potential to greatly impact some of West Virginia’s important agricultural commodities including grapes, apples and stone fruits. It may also attack ornamental trees like dogwood and lilac and important timber species such as cherry and maple. This insect begins its life cycle in late April to early May when nymphs begin to hatch and spread from the initial egg mass site to begin feeding. These nymphs feed on a wide range of host plants and will complete four stages before reaching adulthood. During these four immature stages the spotted lanternfly does the most damage to plants. The nymphs in the first stages are wingless and appear black with white spots. As the nymphs grow, bright red patches will begin to appear. The colorful adults can be seen as early as July and tend to focus their feeding on tree of heaven and grapevine. Egg masses are typically laid in late summer or early fall on smooth bark, stone or other vertical smooth surfaces. These surfaces could be anything from patio furniture to brick or stone pieces for backyard projects, so be sure to check these items before moving them. This pest could be unknowingly spread to new locations by transporting items containing egg masses. The egg masses (shown

The Market Bulletin Page 3

Spotted Lanternfly

Two egg masses on tree bark. Photograph by Holly Raguza, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

Lycorma delicatula, Adult with wings spread.Photograph by Holly Raguza, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture

upper right) are present from October through the winter months. They are light gray when first laid and resemble a waxy mud. After egg hatch they resemble clusters of brownish seed like deposits. Adults at rest have a black head and grayish wings with black spots. When startled or flying, the Spotted Lanternfly will display hind wings that are red with black blocks and a white stripe dividing them. The red portion of the wing is also adorned with black spots. The abdomen is also a yellowish white with bands of black on the top and bottom. While a poor flyer, the spotted lanternfly is a strong jumper. In addition to seeing the nymphs and/or adults, there are several signs and symptoms that indicate spotted lanternfly is in the area. The most prominent sign is a weeping wound of sap on the trunk of affected trees. Heavy populations can often cause honeydew secretions to build up at the base of the tree, blackening the soil. The largest colonies can also produce large fungal mats at the base of the tree. Increased activity of wasps, hornets, bees, and ants can be seen feeding on honeydew secretions and at tree wounds. Though many other factors can sometimes cause these symptoms they might be early indicators of a spotted lanternfly infestation.

a new invasive species

Lycorma delicatula, Adult at rest. Photograph by Lawrence Barringer, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

At this time, we do not know of any populations of spotted lanternfly in West Virginia but we are looking for it. If you suspect that you have seen this pest in your area please contact the West Virginia Department of Agriculture, Plant Industries Division at (304) 558-2212.

Four women have been named West Virginia “Women in Agriculture” honorees for 2015. They were honored during a ceremony at the State Fair of West Virginia August 16. Induction is granted to those women who have made significant contributions to the establishment, development, advancement, or improvement of West Virginia agriculture, forestry, or specialty crops in the Mountain State. “This program provides recognition for a very deserving group of people,” says Commissioner of Agriculture Walt Helmick. “I extend my congratulations to this year’s new members. They have all demonstrated a lifetime of dedication to agriculture in West Virginia.”

This year’s inductees are:

Nicole Fansler - Fansler is a 7th generation farmer in Hardy County where she owns and operates a poultry and beef farm. She is a licensed livestock dealer and a weighmaster and has worked at livestock auction markets. Her grandfather gave Nicole her first cow when she was four years old. She currently has 80 crossbred commercial cows and 20 replacement heifers, and raises broiler chickens for George’s Poultry.

She coaches livestock and poultry judging teams, assists with the local FFA Ham, Bacon & Egg Sale, as well as fundraising events for FFA and 4-H clubs. “The future of agriculture lies within the hands of our Youth,” Fansler says. “We need to teach and encourage the next generation of agricultural stewards.” Fansler lives in Mathias with her two children and her fiancé.

Sherrie Hutchinson – Hutchinson received her B.S. in Botany from Marshall University and then a MS in Forestry (Protection) from Duke University in May 1978. Upon graduation, she worked as a part-time summer employee in the WVDA’s Plant Pest Control Division as a Laboratory Technician, eventually becoming director of the WVDA Plant Industries Division. After her retirement, she turned her focus to her farm that includes bees, chickens, ducks, a vegetable garden, and a wood lot. “My advice to the next generation of women in agriculture is to enjoy what you do as your career, be it in agriculture business or as a full- or part-time job on the farm,” says Hutchinson. “There's no reason you can't make your living doing something you like!” Hutchinson lives in Ripley with her husband, who also worked at the WVDA. They have two sons

and two daughters.

2015 Women in Agriculture Honorees

Nicole FanslerNicole Fansler Livestock

Sherrie HutchinsonFormer WVDA Plant

Industries Divsion Director Women in Ag, continued on page 4

Volume 99, No. 9 September 2015 Oh Christmas Tree!can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come - [PDF Document] (4)

Page 4 The Market Bulletin







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Tomato Sauce 1 onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 carrots, shredded ½ green pepper, chopped 2 bay leaves ¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped 2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped or 2 teaspoons, dried. 1 tablespoon fresh oregano, chopped, or 1 teaspoon dried. 1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped or 1 teaspoon, dried. 6 cups plum tomatoes, peeled and chopped 6 ounces tomato paste 1 tablespoon honey (optional) Salt and pepper to taste. Saute onion and garlic in 2 tablespoons olive oil until soft. Add carrots, green pepper, bay leaves, parsley, basil, oregano and thyme. Stir well. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, honey and salt and pepper to taste. Simmer 15 minutes. Remove bay lead and serve or freeze. To can, ladle into hot, sterilized pint jars to within ½ inch of top. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar per pint jar to assure acidity. Seal with sterilized lids and process full jars in boiling water bath for 35 minutes.

# Chicken Cacciatore

Grape Pie

Jennifer “Tootie” Hill Jones - Jones owns and manages Swift Level Farm and Swift Level Land and Cattle in Greenbrier County. She also keeps small herds of horses that she has been breeding for over 40 years, two of which have made two different Olympic three-day event teams. She is passionate about maintaining fertile soil, lush and abundant forages, and production of healthy, grass-fed steers. Swift Level was the 2014 Greenbrier District Conservation Farm and was runner-up for the 2014 WV State Conservation Farm of the Year. Jones is active in several agriculture organizations including Greenbrier Valley Pasture Network, WV Food and Farm Coalition Meat Working Group, WVDA Rural Rehab Loan Committee, and Greenbrier Local Foods Initiative, among others. "Women understand the rhythm and spontaneity of life,” says Jones. “They live that way due to teaching and caring for others. Love the land as deeply as those you love, respect nature for the force you cannot control, and learn to live in the rhythm. It will feed you,

your families, and your communities in every way.” Jones' operates Swift Level with her two children.Margaret W. Woodworth – Woodworth has a degree in Agriculture from WVU and worked for the Farmers Home Administration for a number of years before marrying and moving to Burlington. She now operates Flying W Farms with her husband and three children. They are a

fifth generation family farm with a heritage of producing food for the table season to season. Flying W maintains a herd of 450 head of cattle that are grown and processed for direct sale to the public at the Flying W Market, Deli, Grill, and Catering Service. They are proud to say that Flying W cattle don't leave the farm until customers take them out the door as a

beef product. Woodworth works with 4-H and

FFA because they give students a firm foundation in agriculture. “Agriculture might not be the most rewarding career in terms of financial soundness, but it is more fulfilling knowing you feed and clothe the world,” she says. “Look to strong women and follow their example. When I feel down and out, I think of how strong my mom is and draw strength from her.”

2015 Women in Agriculture Honorees, cont.

Jennifer “Tootie” Hill JonesSwift Level Farm

Margaret WoodworthFlying W Farms

3 cups Concord-type grapes, skins removed and saved1 cup sugar3 tablespoons flour1 tablespoon lemon juice1 9-inch unbaked pie crust

Topping: 1 cup flour ½ cup sugar 2 tablespoons butter, softened 2 tablespoons oil

In saucepan, simmer pulp for 5 minutes. Press through a sieve to remove the seeds. Combine the pulp and the reserved skins. Add sugar, flour and lemon juice to grapes. Pour into crust. Topping: Combine and sprinkle over grape mixture. Bake in preheated oven at 425F for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350°F and bake for another 30 minutes.

1 3-pound whole chicken, skinned and cut into pieces4 cups tomatoes, chopped1 green, yellow, orange, or red sweet pepper, cut in strips2 onions, thinly sliced2 cloves garlic, minced1 bay leaf1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon fresh oregano, chopped; or 1 teaspoon dried 1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped; or ½ teaspoon dried ¼ teaspoon pepper ¼ cup white wine (optional) 1 cup mushrooms, chopped (optional)

Peppers, sweet or hot, any color

Roast whole peppers under broiler or over a gas flame. Turn frequently, until the skin blackens. Remove from heat and put in a bag or covered pot to allow the pepper to steam and cool. Then rub or wash off the blackened skin. Remove the stem and seeds. Use in any recipe calling for roasted peppers.


Combine in slow cooker and cook on low for 8 hours. Serve over pasta or noodles.

# ##


Simply in Season This month’s recipes are taken from the cookbook, Simply in Season, co-authored by West Virginia native Mary Beth Lind. Mary Beth is a dietitian and nutritional consultant. She and her husband are market gardeners and run the Philippi farmers’ market. Simply in Season serves up more than 300 recipes organized by season, along with a fruit and vegetable guide. The cover at right is the 10th anniversary edition. It is enhanced with colorful photographs to help cooks – novice to seasoned – learn how to prepare local and seasonal produce. We hope you enjoy these fresh, seasonal recipes and can incorporate them into your meals. For more information on the cookbook, call 800-245-7894.

Roasted Peppers

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Volume 99, No. 9 September 2015 Oh Christmas Tree!can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come - [PDF Document] (5)

The Market Bulletin Page 5

Classified AnnouncementsAvailable on the Web: wvagriculture.org/market_bulletin/market_bulletin.html

To Submit an Ad: u

• Phone: 304-558-2225• Fax: 304-558-3131• Email: [emailprotected]• Mail: 1900 Kanawha Blvd., E.

Charleston, WV 25305Sept



October 2015. . .Phone-In ads for the October issue must be

received by 12 noon on Monday, September 16.Written ads for the October issue must be

received by 1 p.m. on Tuesday, September 17.November 2015. . .

Phone-In ads for the November issue must be received by 12 noon on Thursday, October 15.

Written ads for the November issue must be received by 1 p.m. on Friday, October 16.


To subscribe to The Market Bulletin, email [emailprotected] or phone 304-558-3708.

Apiary Sales Honey bees, full brood chamber, $250. Melva Cohenour, 1267 Lakewood Dr., Charleston, 25312; 984-2790.

Cattle Sales Bull, 21-mo., black, $1,600; cow/calf pr., 10, young, mostly black in color w/lg. calves, $2,400/pr. R. Bays, 4719 SR 34, S., Hurricane, 25526; 562-9728. Reg. Simmental bulls, AI sires Mo Better, Top Grade, Fatt Butt, Mr. Hoc Broker & Steel Force, $2,500/up. Jim Bosley, P.O. Box 5, Old Fields, 26845; 530-6636. Angus bred heifers, 30, Conneally blood, AI-d to ABS sire Basin Payweight 1682, cleaned up w/Stevenson Angus bull, AI due Feb. 1st, $2,850/5; $2,800/10+. Neil Bumgar-ner, 11766 Longdale Rd., Letart, 25253; [emailprotected]. Pure Limousin 5-yr. bull, no papers, good disp. $2,300. Darius Christian, HC 38, Box 302B, Lewisburg, 24901; 497-4349. Reg. Hereford bull calves, 2, Boyd Wold-wide blood, $1,500/ea; cow due to calve in late Dec., $2,000. Rick Coiner, Rt. 3, Box 260, Mil-ton, 25541. Reg. full Limousin & Lim-Flex spring bulls & heifers, black, red & polled, $15,00/up; Lim-Flex 20-mo. polled bull, black, $3,000. Terry Dobbs, 8238 Fork Ridge Rd., Glen Easton, 26039; 845-1627. Reg. Dexter 7/08 cow, black, horned, PDCA & Legacy blood w/5/15 bull calf, black, at side, calf can be reg. Legacy, exposed to reg. Dex-ter bull, $1,600. Thomas Donaldson, 237 Faith Lane, West Union, 26456; 873-2653. Dexter heifers, 1, black & 1, dun, $900/ea. Robyn Dorsey, P.O. Box 148 Nettie, 26681; 846-2861. Reg. Black Angus 10-12-mo., heifers, Daybreak, Rainmaker 1127, LSF Objective, blood, 725 lb. ea., low birth/yrlg. wt., very high weaning, easy handling, papers complete, del. avail., $2,000/ea. Fred Edgell, 1471 Bingamon

er, $3,000; sunflower rakes, 2, older, $1,000. Jerry McCoy, 1688 Flatwoods Rd., Raven-swood, 26164; 273-4257. Shaver HD8 hyd. post driver, 3-pt. hitch, excel. cond., $1,500; Dearborn 10-152, 2 bot-tom plow, $300/ea.; Branson 3520R w/loader, 4 WD, 35 hp, 300 hrs., excel. cond., $14,500. Ed Norman, 89 Sisler Rd., Bruceton Mills, 26525; 379-3533; [emailprotected]. JD mower, 7', runs off tractor, good cond., $1,200; 310, tedder, 10', $1,500. Jim Norman, 184 Lamberts Hollow Rd., Bridgeport, 26330; 672-2027. MF 3625 tractor, 4 WD, loader, cab, heat & ac, $30,000; Kuhn VB2160 baler, $25,000; Krone 2435 disc mower, $7,500; Arps 3-pt. backhoe, $2,000; Landpride, 6' brush hog, $1,500. William Robinson, 2055 Wolf Ben Rd., Crawford, 26343; 452-9643. Zeter, 5211 farm tractor, diesel, ps, front wts., 3-pt. hitch, roll bar, 50 hp, good rubber, excel. cond., $5,800. Mike Steward, P.O. Box 173 Salt Rock, 25559; 417-1734. Brown Buster, 1,000 lb. lime spreader, $1,900; alum lime popper, 4'x5'x8', $3,500. Jack Stickler, Rt. 2, Box 526A, Milton, 25541; 606-356-5349. Product Cattle Master HD squeese chute w/auto head gate, palpation cage & no back ally stall, excel. cond., $3,500. Benjamin Stout, 4749 Greenbrier Rd., Salem, 26426; 782-1444. JD MX8, 8', brush hog, excel. cond., ready to work, $3,200/obo. Bob Suan, 2651 Rooting Crk. Rd., Lost Creek, 26385; 624-6202. MF 65 tractor, diesel, hyd. hookup, $3,500. Zachary Teter, Rt. 1, Box 68, Beverly, 26253; 338-6856. MF 9, sq. baler, $800. Leroy Tincher, 315 Tincher Rd., Fayetteville, 25840; 640-3150. MF 65 tractor, gas engine, high/low range, 2 wet lines, good rubber, new brakes, barn kept, $5,400. David Vanmeter, Rt. 1, Box 9A, Kernes, 26276; 668-5966. JD 24 sq. baler, shed kept, needs needle adjustment on one side, $1,000/obo. Lynn Warner, 5403 Smith Crk. Rd., Franklin, 26807; 358-7667. Case 1194 tractor, diesel, 49 hp, 2 WD, 12 speed, wet lines, new clutch, excel. cond., ga-rage kept., $6,500. John Wells, 494 Somerville Fork, Palestine, 26160; 275-3469. Hay elevator w/new motor/used one sea-son, $500. James Withrow, P.O. Box 1023 Green Sulphur Springs, 25966; 466-1139.

Farm Sales Advertisem*nts for land MUST be about farmland that is at least five (5) acres in size & located in West Virginia. Farmland ads MUST include accompaniments (house, barn, hayfield, garden, etc.) but no specifics, i.e., new kitchen, family room, etc. Ads for the sale or rental of farmland are acceptable from individuals, but MUST include the above. Advertisem*nts for hunting land, com-mercial or city properties CANNOT be accepted. Marshall Co.: 80 A. w/house, free gas, hayfields, fenced pastures w/springs, 3, garag-es, 2 barns/cisterns, woods, private, $465,000. Linda Campbell, 2329 Hupp Ridge, Cameron, 26033; 686-3106. Nicholas Co.: 120 A. w/house, lg. ga-rage, outbldg, well, spring, psd water, sep-tic, 80 A. woods, end of rd., fenced pasture, meadow, easy access, 20 mi. to Summersville, $350,000. Aggie Casto, 2832 Anthony Crk. Rd., Birch River, 26610; 574-3567. Fayette Co.: 16 A. w/house, pasture, cross fenced, 2-stall barn w/attached workshop, well, septic, city water, $379,000. Mike Hudnall, 2185 Loops Rd., Rainelle, 25962; 894-2933. Cable Co.: 6.724 A. w/house, 2, hayfields, outbldgs., sm. pond, stream, city water, located on Cooper Ridge Rd., $90,000. William Kirk, Rt. 3, Box 329, Milton, 25541; 743-5015. Marion Co.: 78 A. w/house, free gas, lg. barn, cellar house w/cistern, bldgs., log cabin, 6+ A. fenced, pond, loacted at the end of pri-vate driveway, $320,000. Karen Mail, 78 Dora Lane, Worthington, 26591; 287-7734. Greenbrier Co.: 80 A. w/house, crks, pas-ture, ponds, woods, $430,000. Ron Malus, Rt. 2, Box 68, Alderson, 24910; 392-5231.

Rd., Worthington, 26591; 592-2717. Jersey/Guernsey crossed, steers, 300-350 lb., $400/ea. Herbert Hawkins, 180 Owens Dr., Tunnelton, 26444; 698-9294. Angus bred heifers, 25, due to calve 2/15 -4/15, vet pregnancy checked, CIDRS used, OCC & Final Answer blood, good disp., 1,000-1,150 lb., $2,850 /ea. Marvin Hershey, 8550 Parson Rd., Montrose, 26283. 642-9288; [emailprotected]. Reg. Black Angus heifers, 4, ready to breed, $1,500. Mike Hoover, 1917 Julia Rd., Renick, 24966; 497-3059. Longhorn/Scottish Highland cross cow herd, 15, healthy w/nice long horns, great start-er herd, $900/up or $18,000/all. Fields Hutch-ens, Rt. 1, Box 67, Hinton, 25951; 673-2193. Reg. Black Angus: 1/15 & 2/15 bull & heifer calves, grandsires of H.A. Imager Maker; 2-yr. bull, direct son of H.A. Image Maker, good disp., easy calving; 20-mo. bull, SAV Pioneer blood, $1,500/up. Justin McClain, 2853 Dry Fork, Sa-lem, 26426; 782-3983. Reg. Black Angus bulls, $2,000/up. John O'Dell, 3442 Amma Rd., Amma, 25005; 565-9851; [emailprotected]. Reg. Limousin 9/14 bull, polled, AI, halter broke, $3,000. Rocky Pack, 94 Spider Ridge, Parkersburg, 26104; 380-1163. Pure Simmental & Sim/Angus 9/14 & 10/14 bulls, polled, black, calving ease, AI blood, $2,000/up. Kenny Patterson, 984 Ravenswood Pike, Ripley, 25271; 372-4758. Reg. polled Hereford bulls, $2,000/up. Nor-ma Pursley, 4741 Evans Rd., Leon, 25123; 895-3514. Reg. Angus bred heifers, 120, start calving 2/16, $2,500. Bill Rohr, 572 Buckboard Lane, Buckhannon, 26201; 613-9522. Pure reg. Scottish Highland 6-mo heifer, sire American Highland Cattle Assoc., good disp., $900. Linda Snyder, 25397 Midland Trail, Lewisburg, 24901; 645-6466. Reg. Angus yrlg. heifers, Wehrmann sired/Rito blood, open, $2,000/ea. Jeff Taylor, 875 Kennedy Rd., Fairmont, 26554; 363-5757. Reg. Angus 21-mo. bull, calving ease, $2,500. Jeremy Vance, 827 Guy Dice Rd., Har-mon, 26270; 704-7667.

Equipment Sales No trucks, cars, vans, campers or other autos; backhoes (except 3-pt. hitch), dozers or other construction equipment; lawn equip-ment; no parts. Ford '56 tractor w/roll bar & seat belt. runs good, inc. front bucket, forks, patato plow & rear blade, good weighted tires, rebuilt from the frame up about 8 yr. ago, $4,400. Dayton Ables, P.O. Box 54, Sutton, 26601; 765-5394.

Woods 106 ditchbank mower, excel. cond, $3,000. Jeff Albright, 3590 Rudding Crk. Rd., Lost Creek, 26385; 672-3348. Kubota 4330 tractor w/4 WD, cab/ac/heat, radio & loader , HST trans. 1,490 hrs., excel. cond., $24,000. Brian Alt, 7140 Franklin Pike Rd., Petersburg, 26847; 668-5495. NI 1-row corn picker, $800; JD, plow, 3 bot-tom, $590; Leinbach disc, 6', 20 blades, $540, both 3-pt. hitch, excel. cond. Robert Atkins, P.O. Box 124, Talcott, 24981; 445-8736. Vemeer 2500 hay wrapper w/3 rolls of plas-tic & a bale mover, $8,000; JD 328 sq. baler, $11,000 both excel cond.; Morra 420 kicker, $2,000, all kept inside. Marlin Blake, Rt,. 1, Box 175B Glenwood, 25520; 762-2246. NH 630, 4x4, round baler w/elec. tie, good cond., field ready, $4,500. Melvin Bolyard, 1404 Laurel Crk. Rd., Moatsville, 26405; 457-1020. JD 336 sq. baler, shed kept, excel. cond., $3,500. Gary Davis, 987 Tom Feamster Rd., Alderson, 24910; 573-0000. Kubota L3400 tractor, 4 WD, hydrostatic trans., 3-cyl., diesel, ps w/Kubota LA463 front load, 210 hrs., garage kept, $16,500; County Line brush hog, 5-speed, both excel. cond., $700. Guy Dillon, P.O. Box 547, Fort Gay, 25514; 417-5257. Gehl FH84 corn chopper, $675. Tim Dolan, RR 02, Box 181C, Lewisburg, 24901; 667-3438. JD '82, 2640 tractor; NH rake; Kuhn hay tedder, $1,200/all. Louise Edmond, 1225 Audra Park Rd., Belington, 26250; 823-1308. King Kutter: 3-pt., dirt/pond scoop, re-versible, good cond., $250. E. Ellison, 677 Old Court St., Fayetteville, 25840; 574-3771; after 5 p.m. JD, 2-row corn planter, $500; Fort 2050, DMD, disc mower, $5,200; MF, 25, disc, $850; NH 55 side del. rake, $1,200; hay ted-der, $1,000; Ferguson plows, $400; bush hog, $400. Roger Flanagan, 467 Ritchie Farm Rd., Summersville, 26651; 880-0135. JD 40 manure spreader, PTO drive, barn kept, good cond., $2,400. Jeff Griffith, 38 Sun-flower Lane, Jane Lew, 26378; 884-8004. JD '13, 5055D, diesel, 2 WD, 55 hp, trac-tor, 120 hrs., $16,500; Frontier, 2-rotor, tedder, $1,750, both excel. cond.; MF, 120, baler, good cond., $3,200; NI, 5-bar, rake, $1,500. Scott Henry, 1795 Sugar Valley Rd., Albright, 26519; 376-2581. NH 472 hay bine excel. cond., $1,500. Sidney Jones, P.O. Box 605, Gallipolis Ferry, 25515; 593-2604. NH 451 sickle bar mower good cond., $1,800. Richard Johnson, 6006 Meadow Lark Lane, Charleston, 25312; 984-9994. AC '57, 17, tractor, good cond./tires, $7,000. Edward LaRue, HC 37, Box 313, Lew-isburg, 24901; 497-9905. NH 1411, disc bind, excel. cond., $18,500. Clay Lewis, 131 Prison Rd., Bruceton Mills, 26525; 379-8771. Kioti tractor, 3-cyl., diesel, 4x4, 374 hrs., $8,900; King Cutter brush hog, $900; grading blade, 3-pt. hitch attachment, $700, all excel. cond. Carl Loughridge, 2844 St. John's Rd., Collier, 26035; 527-1355. Int. 424 tractor w/loader, 4-cyl., gas eng., PS, 2 WD, 8-speed trans., h/l range, differ. lock, 3-pt. hitch, live PTO w/6' mower, $6,800; Ford, bottom plows, $600; NH sq. hay baler, $2,700; side-delivery rake, $850; tedder, $650, more equip. Ron Malus, Rt. 2, Box 69, Alderson, 24910; 392-5231. JD 5, sickle bar mower, $425. John Martin, 3512 Bismarck Rd., Mt. Storm, 26739; 693-7421. NH 256 rake, new u joints & drive shaft, $1,800; Kuhn hay tedder, 4-spool, 12', new tires & rims, $1,000; Bush hog, 2446, 6' bucket, excel. cond., $500. Terry Mayfield, 7585 Smith-ville Rd., Harrisville, 26362; 643-4308. Belarus 572 tractor, 65 hp, 4 WD, low hrs., shed kept, $3,700/obo. Hud McClanahan, 525 LeFarm Rd., Lerona, 25971; 887-5766. Chrome 125 baler, string wrap, $10,000; Hesston tedder, $1,000; Kuhn 4000 disc mow-

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) rule states that effective March 11, cattle moved across state lines are required to be officially identified and accompanied by an interstate certificate of veterinary inspection (ICVI). Cattle affected by this rule include: sexually-intact beef cattle over 18 months of age, all dairy cattle, and all cattle being moved for shows, rodeos or other exhibitions. Current exemptions to the rule include beef cattle under 18 months of age and cattle moving directly to a recognized slaughter establishment. Official identification is an official ear tag. This can be either a metal NUES “brite” tag or a tag that bears a 15 digit identification number beginning with 840. The ear tag must also have the official ear tag shield imprinted on it. In order to purchase official ID tags, cattle owners must have a premise identification number.

For more information, contact Jonathan Taylor at 304-254-4022. For information on a Premise ID Number (PIN) contact Shelly Lantz at 304-558-2214.

USDA requires that cattle be officially identified before crossing state lines


Hazel Green FarmContact Janie Goff, 643-2196;


Volume 99, No. 9 September 2015 Oh Christmas Tree!can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come - [PDF Document] (6)

Apia r y Event sMarion Co. Beekeepers Assoc.

Beginning Beekeeping SchoolSept. 29, Oct. 3, 6, 8, 13, & 15.Pleasant Valley Municipal Bldg.

2340 Kingmont Rd.Fairmont, W.Va.

Contact Tom Kees, 363-4782;Nancy Postlethwait, 366-9938


Mercer Co. Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

First Monday, 7 p.m.Princeton, W.Va.

Contact Bill co*ckerman, [emailprotected].

Mountaineer Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

2nd Monday, 6:30 p.m.Ritchie Co. Public Library

Harrisville, W.Va.Contact Shanda King, 643-2443.


Nicholas Co. Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

3rd Monday, 7 p.m.Summersville Public Library

Summersville, W.Va.Contact David Brammer, 619-0189


North Central W.Va. Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

Third Monday, 7 p.m.Harrison Co. 4-H Center

Clarksburg, W.Va.Contact Michael Staddon, 782-9610.

Barbour Co. Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

4th Thursday, 7 p.m.Barbour Co. Extension Office

2 mi. south of Philippi on Rt. 250Contact David Proudfoot 823-1460;


Central W.Va. Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

1st MondayBraxton Co. High School, Vo-Ag Rm.

Contact Susan Bullion, 452-8508; [emailprotected].

Cabell/Wayne Beekeepers Assoc.Bi-Monthly Meeting

2nd MondayChrist Temple Church

2400 Johstown Road, Huntington, W.Va.Contact Gabe Blatt, 429-1268.

Clay Co. Beekeepers Assoc.Bi-Monthly Meeting

2nd Monday Buffalo Valley Baptist Church

Clay, WV Contact Tim Clifton, 548-3024


Corridor G Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

1st Tuesday, 6 p.m. Chapmanville Middle School

Chapmanville, WV Contact Tony Meadows, 524-7690


Gilmer Co. Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

3rd Tuesday, 6 p.m.Gilmer Co. Public Library

Glenville, W.Va.Contact Bobbi Cottrill, 462-7416;


Highlands Apicultural Assoc.Monthly Meeting

4th Monday, 6:30 p.m.WVU Ext. Office Meeting Rm.

Elkins, W.Va.Contact Ben McKean, 227-4414;


Jackson Co. Beekeepers Assoc.Bi-Monthly Meeting

McDonalds Bldg., Jackson Co. FairgroundsCottageville, W.Va.

Contact Jeff Crum, [emailprotected].

Kanawha Co. Beekeepers Assoc.St. Albans, W.Va.

Contact Steve May, 727-7659; [emailprotected].

Marion Co. Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

4th Thursday, 7 p.m.Pleasant Valley Municipal Bldg.

2340 Kingmont Rd.Fairmont, W.Va.

Contact Tom Kees, 363-4782;Nancy Postlethwait, 366-9938


Putnam Co.: 104 A. w/house, outbldgs., woods w/mineral rights avail., $169,900. John Scott, 381 Black Lick Run Rd., Winfield, 25213; 757-9152. Raleigh Co.: 7 A. w/house, city water, sew-age, woods, near schools & churches, located min. from Beckley/Winter Place, $90,000/own-er financed. Al Strassburger, 1331 Egeria Rd., Odd, 25902; 487-0899.

Farm Wants Farm within 45 min. of Clarksburg, mini-mum of 40 A. of cleared land, must have a de-cent house. Caleb Gall, 1367 Fields Crk. Rd., Independence, 26374; 288-2918.

Goat Sales Pygmy 2-yr. females, never bred, good disp., healthy, $200/ea. Imogene Burdette, 4863 Sycamore Rd., Culloden, 25510; 562-5451; [emailprotected]. Reg. Dwarf Nigerian 6/15 bucklings, tri-col-or, blue eyed, $250; couclair brown eyed, $175, both disbudded w/CD&T. Carol Burns, 138 Beulah Hill Rd., Elizabeth, 26143; 275-1122. Boer bucklings, correct color, disbudded, wormed, feet trimmed, ready for fall breeding, $180. Harley Foxworthy, 1056 Old Henry Rd., New Milton, 26411; 349-2868. Nubian 6-mo. nannys & billys, $150/ea. Herbert Hawkins, 180 Owens Dr., Tunnelton, 26444; 698-9294. Boer: 6, bucks, 4, does, may be w/kids & 1, wether, would like to sell as a group, $2,000/obo. Vicky Hawkins, 1649 Hawkins Rd., Buck-hannon, 26201; 439-0282. ABGA reg. 100% Boer buckling, traditional markings, $250. Norma Hough, 1107 Dunnview Dr., Martinsburg, 25405; 676-8515. Kiko, $200/ea. Evers Smith, 247 Breezy Hill Lane, Petersburg, 26847; 257-1809. Alpine/Saanen 4/15 bucks, reg. parent, good dairy blood/disp., $85, del. avail. Mark Wolfe, 189 Bear Run Rd., Mathias, 26812; 897-6280.

Help Wants Grain growers to grow corn, rye or wheat on contract basis in '16, seed can be provided, organic or all natural growing methods pre-ferred. Athey Lutz, 1048 Cortland Rd., Davis, 26260; 866-8688.

Hog Sales Gloucestershire Old Spots pigs, piglets, boars & gilts, solid genetics, various colors, $400-$450/ea.; Ossabaw Island Hog pigs & pig-lets, $200-$250/ea.; Heritage feeder pigs, Os-sabaw, Gloucestershire, Old Spots & crosses, $75/up, no chemicals, GMO free. Quincy Mc-Michael, General Delivery, Renick, 24966; 992-2922.

Horse Sales Reg. mares: Qtr., rides good; Morgan/Tenn cross, both $1,000. Carlos Adkins, 4251 Keeney Mtn. Rd., Sanstone, 25585; 575-2057. Tenn. Wlkr. mare, bay w/no markings, 15.3h, now being trail ridden, has excel. pa-pers, $1,500; other top bred mares, $1,000/up; stud service, $150. Bill Harper, 513 Kentuck Rd., Kenna, 25248; 372-4179. Reg. Mtn. Pleas. mare/2 geldings, natural gait, good conf./disp., $1,000/up. Sharon Haught, 225 Peaco*ck Lane, Davisville, 26142; 679-2097; [emailprotected]. Miniature Jerusalem 5-yr. jenny, $500. Dean Miller, 1132 Annamoira Rd., Preston, 26141; 354-6642. Paint, 9-yr. red/white, good rider; Mustang, 21-yr., red, flaxen good disp., saddle broke, both $500. Deidre Riddle, 547 Maxwell Rd., Tunnel-ton, 26444; 290-1662. Haflinger, filly, blond, $450; Gypsy Vanner cross bred colt, red/white/spotted, can be reg., $2,400, both 2-mo. Mike Roach, RR 1, Box 367D, Lesage, 25537; 762-2885. Donkey 4-yr. gelding, 11 h, leads, will carry saddle, not trained for riding, $400 w/youth saddle, bridle & brest collar; pony, 10 h, ener-

getic, started pulling a cart, saddle broke, $200. Monna Rush, P.O. Box 1162, Beckley, 25802; 253-4521; [emailprotected]. Pure but not reg. Tenn. Wlkr. 3-yr. gelding, paint, tri-color, leads, ties, loads, easy to catch, started w/saddle & bridle, good disp., vacc./wormed, should mature to 14.2 h, $450. Bonnie Viani, RR 4, Box 187H, Grafton, 26354; 368-0097. Reg. Tenn. Wlkr., 16-yr. gelding, chestnut, 15 h, excel. trail horse, loads, stands while shoeing, easy keeper, $800/obo. Anthony Werner, 8651 Hackers Crk. Rd., Buckhannon, 26201; 476-5095. Reg. Tenn. Wlkr., 9-yr. gelding, black/white/spotted, 15.2 h, excel. disp., great trail horse, loads, stands while shoeing, easy to catch, $1,500/firm/no trades. Christy Werner, 8651 Hackers Crk. Rd., Buckhannon, 26201; 476-5095. Cert. dbl. reg. Rocky Mtn/Kentucky Mtn. 9-yr. mare, black w/star & 2 white socks, can rack, well gaited, has about 1,000 mi. in trail & show, easy to ride, good disp., $2,500/obo. Connie Yoder, 534 Two Run Rd., Left Hand, 25251; 565-4402.

Job Sales Horse boarding, $350/mo. Kimberly D'Arco, 194 Homestead Lane, Charleston, 25312; 984-0950. Horse boarding, indoor arena, pasture turn-out, miles of trails, owners on premises, regular farrier/vet/dental/worming, loads of TLC, daily stall cleaning, $375/mo. LaDonnna Clemmer, 3928 New Hope Rd., Elkview, 25071; 610-0476; [emailprotected].

Job Wants Caretaker for organic cattle & grain farm in Randolph Co., housing avail. onsite, strong interest in organic agriculture required. Athey Lutz, 1048 Cortland Rd., Davis, 26260; 866-8688.

Plant SalesNo medicinal plants, nursery stock, common

agricultural seeds unless tested for germination. Pole bean seed: old-time fat man, Logan Gi-ant & rattlesnake, turkey craw, Oct. tender hull & bush, greasy & white pole, brown half runner, more, $12/100 seed, all ppd. Betty Flanagan, 467 Ritchie Farm Rd., Summersville, 26651; 880-0135; [emailprotected]. Winter onion sets, $20/qt., plus post. May McDaniel, 102 Tiskelwah Ave., Elkview, 25071; 965-6106. Elephant garlic, organic, 4 lg. individual cloves, plant 10/15 for 7/16 harvest, $15, ppd w/planting instructions. Chuck Wyrostok, 230 Griffith Run, Spencer, 25276; 927-2978.

Plant Wants Grain seed, Heirloom WV corn seed, par-ticularly sort season adapted varieties, also Heirloom WV rye & wheat. Athey Lutz, 1048 Cortland Rd., Davis, 26260; 866-8688.

Potomac Highlands Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

3rd ThursdayBank of Romney Comm. Center

Romney, W.Va.Contact Elvin Rose, 434-2520; [emailprotected] or


Preston Co. Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

3rd Thursday, 7 p.m.Preston Co. Ext. Office

Contact Don Cathell, 454-9695.

Southeastern Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

2nd Thursday, 7 p.m.Osteopathic School-Alumni Center

Lewisburg, W.Va.Contact Mary Holesapple, 772-3272;


Tri-State Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

3rd Thursday, 7 p.m.Good Zoo Bldg. - Oglebay Park

Wheeling, W.Va.Contact Steve Roth, 242-9867;


Upshur Co. Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.W.Va. Farm Bureau Bldg.

Buckhannon, W.Va.Contact Delmuth Kelley, 472-0184.

West Central Beekeepers Assoc.Monthly Meeting

4th Saturday, 1 p.m. Roane Co. Committee on Aging Bldg.

Spencer, W.Va.Contact Dale Cunningham, 354-6916;


Page 6 The Market Bulletin


Main Speaker, Dr. Thomas Seeley.Jackson's Mill 4-H Camp & Conference Center

160 WVU Jacksons MillWeston, WV

Poultry Ban Still in EffectDue to the ongoing poultry ban

(halt of all live poultry exhibitions, sales and swap meets) due to

concerns about the spread of avian influenza, there will be no Poultry

Sales/Wants advertised in The Market Bulletin until further notice.

To place advertisem*nts in The Market Bulletin by phone,

call 304-558-2225.

Volume 99, No. 9 September 2015 Oh Christmas Tree!can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come - [PDF Document] (7)

Horse Show Sept. 12, 6 p.m.Sept.13, 11 a.m.

Sponsored by: Daybrook Saddle ClubDaybrook, WV

Ronnie Price, 449-1535.

WCHA Show Series (PAC Approved)Sept. 19, 10 a.m.

Sponsored by: Wyoming Co. Horsem*n's Assoc.Broken Wheel Stables

Clark Blankenship, 923-7177;[emailprotected].

Open Horse ShowSept. 19, 3 p.m.

Sponsored by: Jackson Co. Horse ClubJackson Co. Fairgrounds, Cottageville, WV

Kendra White, 542-5229;[emailprotected].

Pleasants Co. Agricultural Youth Fair ShowSept. 20, 11 a.m.

Sponsored by: Green Valley Riding ClubPleasants Co. Fairgrounds, St. Marys, WV

Claude Farson, 665-7674.

Speed Show (Barrels, Poles, 50 yd. Dash)Sept. 20, 12 noon

Sponsored by: Henry ArenaHenry Arena, Martinsburg, WV

Laurie Lee, [emailprotected].

Cutting Horse ShowSept. 26-27, 10 a.m.

Sponsored by: WV Cutting Horse Assoc. & Shawnee Farms

Shawnee Farm Arena, Lewisburg, WVJim Johnson, 646-6666;

Taylor Co. Fairgrounds Barrel & Pole RaceSept. 26-27, 10 a.m.

Sponsored by: IBRA & NPBATaylor Co. Fairgrounds

Grafton, WV Kim Thomas, 826-6005


NBHA Barrel ShowSept. 26, 12 noonSept. 27, 10 a.m.

Sponsored by: NBHA WV05Henry Arena

Martinsburg, WVLaurie Lee, 258-4991


All equine require a negative one year Coggins test.All out-of-state equine require a current Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.

Mountwood Park Horse CampSept. 1-30

Sponsored by: Wood Co. Riding ClubVolcano Rd., Waverly, WV

Ruthie Davis, 588-1407Main Park, 679-3611.

Open Trails(Pay per day)

Sept. 1-30Sponsored by: Junior McLaughlin Quarter Horse

Marlinton, WV Junior McLaughlin, 799-4910;


Camp Out & Trail Ride (w/covered dish dinner Sat.)

Sept. 4-7Sponsored by: Wood Co. Horse Riding Club

Mountwood Park Horse Camp,Rt. 50 E of Parkersburg

Tara Patterson, [emailprotected]

Ruthie Davis, 588-1407.

Broken Wheel Stables Barrel Series (IBRA)Sept. 5, 3 p.m.

Sponsored by: Randi Dove FarmsBroken Wheel Stables Randi Dove, 923-2692


Open Horse ShowSept. 5, 3 p.m.

Sponsored by: West Fork Riding ClubShow Grounds, Chloe, WV

Mary Hutson, 542-3122.

KVHA Regular Point ShowSept. 5, 9 a.m.

Sponsored by: Kanawha Valley Horseman's Assoc.

Winfield Riding Club Arena, Winfield, WVCheryl Salamacha, 360-1820


Open Horse ShowSept. 6, 2 p.m.

Sponsored by: Lincoln Co. Fairs & FestivalsLincoln Co. Fairgrounds, Hamlin, WV

Ami Smith, 524-2982;[emailprotected].

Catamount Series 2015-2016 Show #1Sept. 12, 9 a.m.

Sponsored by: Potomac State College Collegiate Horseman's Assoc.

PSC Indoor Arena, Keyser, WV Jared Miller, 668-5326;


Fayette County Horseman's Assoc. Pleasure & Contest Show

Sept. 12, pleasure-10 a.m.; contest-4 p.m. Sponsored by: Fayette County Horseman's Assoc.

Honeybear Stables, Anstead, WV Holly Burley, 640-1925;


Barrels, Poles, Calf Roping, Team Roping Events (Timed Events)

Sept. 12, 12 noonSponsored by: Henry Arena

Henry Arena, Martinsburg, WV Greg Maddox, 301-252-4928.

Open Horse ShowSept. 12, 3 p.m.

Sponsored by: Bluegrass Riding ClubBlue Grass Riding Club Show Grounds,

Spencer, WVDonna Kee, 786-3004


23rd Annual Mule & Donkey ShowSept. 12, 4 p.m.Sept. 13, 5 p.m.

Sponsored by: Holly Gray ParkHoly Gray Park, Sutton, WV

Karen Carr, 364-8364; 644-3507;[emailprotected].


2015 Open Horse ShowSept. 26, 1 p.m.

Sponsored by: Elk River Boots & Saddle ClubBlue Creek Showgrounds

Elkview, WVTack Shaffer, 988-1173, Mark Halstead, 549-2762

[emailprotected], Jane Webb, 965-5019.

Open Horse ShowSept. 26, 5 p.m.

Sponsored by: Central WV Riding ClubHoly Gray Park

Sutton, WVAllen or Kim Miller, 364-5576


Wirt Co. Horse ShowSept. 27, 12 noon

Sponsored by: Heartbeats & Hoofbeats Riding for Christ, Inc.

Rt. 14, Fleak Field Lane(behind EMT Bldg.), Annette Easton, 477-3233


Mountwood Park Horse CampOct.. 1-31

Sponsored by: Wood Co. Riding ClubVolcano Rd.Waverly, WV

Ruthie Davis, 588-1407Main Park, 679-3611.

Open Trails(Pay per day)

Oct. 1-31Sponsored by: Junior McLaughlin Quarter Horse

Marlinton, WV Junior McLaughlin, 799-4910;


Catamount Series 2015-2016 Show #1Oct. 3, 9 a.m.

Sponsored by: Potomac State College Collegiate Horseman's Assoc.PSC Indoor Arena

Keyser, WV Jared Miller, 668-5326;


Fayette County Horseman's Assoc. Pleasure & Contest Show

Oct. 3, pleasure-10 a.m.; contest-4 p.m. Sponsored by: Fayette County Horseman's Assoc.

Honeybear StablesAnsted, WV

Holly Burley, 640-1925;[emailprotected].

The Market Bulletin Page 7

4, $75/ea.; ewe lambs, 4, $100/.ea. Greg Sava, 1896 Bays Rd., Birch River, 26610; 649-2975. Katahdin hair sheep, ewe lambs, 15, $140/ea. Jack Stickler, Rt. 2, Box 526A, Milton, 25541; 606-356-5349. Katahdin lambs, all colors incl. solid black, $150/ea. Dalen Whitt, HC 34, Box 356, Lewis-burg, 24901; 497-2425. Suffolk/Dorset ram lambs, production orient-ed, $300. Zachary Teter, Rt. 1, Box 68, Beverly, 26253; 704-9555.

Miscellaneous SalesNo riding habits or other clothes; appliances or furniture; antiques or crafts; hand power tools or equipment; food processing or preserva-tion items or equipment; general wood working tools; firewood. Only dogs recognized by the AKC as herding or working can be accepted. Trailer, '08, Eby Maverick 16', bumper pull, livestock w/mid gate, LED lighting, spare, 5,200 lb. axle, $9,700. Jerry Alford, 31 Providence Lane, Sod, 25564; 756-4140. Hay, 4x4½, round bales, mixed grass, $20/bale. Brian Alt, 7140 Franklin Pike Rd., Peters-burg, 26874; 668-5495. Trailer, 22', utility, dual axle, elec. brakes, tongue pull, dove tail design w/ramps, excel.

cond., $1,500. Greg Barnett, 440 Bills Crk., Winfield, 25213; 951-4055. Hay, round bales, $20/bale. Robert Atkins, P.O. Box 124, Talcott, 24981; 445-8736. Trailer, Corn Pro, 16', livestock, excel. cond., $4,800. Marlin Blake, Rt. 1, Box 175B, Glen-wood, 25520; 762-2246. Hay, '15, 4x5, round bales, never wet, barn kept, $40/bale. Bernard Bragg, 164 McCurdys-ville Pike, Rivesville, 26588; 278-7346. Bio leather draft horse show harness, $2,000 w/extra collar; leather work harness, $1,000/neg., both excel. cond. Sherry Breeden, 144 Seneca Trail, Lewisburg, 24901; 645-6401. Trailer, '14, Moritz', 20', deck over flatbed trailer, excel. cond., incl. spare tire/wheel, 4' dovetai w/stand-up ramps, $3,500. Neil Bumgarner, 11766 Longdale Rd., Letart, 25253; 615-9239. Oat straw, lg. sq. bales, $4.50/bale. Clayton Christopher, 118 Bovine Dr., Albright, 26519; 379-6741. Acreage: Lincoln Co., 2, ponds, completely fenced, lg. barn w/elec. & cable, $140,000. Robert Conley, HC 74, Box 3298, Chapman-ville, 25508; 824-4006. Christmas trees: Scotch Pine grade 1, $11; grade 2, $10, baled/roadside, in Alum Creek, 30 min. from Charleston. Steve Connor, 112 Misty

Mdw. Alum Creek, 25003; 541-0959; [emailprotected]. Eggs, brown, $1.75/dz. Jerry Cornell, 132 Cornell Dr., Apple Grove, 25502; 576-2785. Saint Bernard pups, $350. Delbert Dickey, 2710 McGuire Rd., Grafton, 26354; 694-6984. Trailers, Circle J, 2-horse, slant load, drop down windows, bumper pull, tack & dressing rm., excel. cond., $4,500. Shirley Farrell, 191 Kellys Crk. Rd., Charleston, 25312; 984-0610. Reg. Border Collie pups, $300. Ronald Faulk, 2585 Brookside Rd., Aurora, 26705; 735-3604. Fish for stocking: Bass, 2"-4", $1.00; blue-gill, 2"-3" & catfish, 4"-8, 50¢, bluegill & hybrid bluegill, 3"-5", 65¢; goldfish, 4"-6", $1; minnows, $12/lb.; shiners 13 lb. grass carp, 9"-13", $12; koi, 5"-7", $6, del. avail. Fred Hays, P.O. Box 241, Elkview, 25070; 415-7617. Hay, 1st cut, 300, timothy & orchard grass, stored in barn, $3.50/bale. B.J. Fike, 22672 Geroge Washington Hwy., Aurora, 26705; 612-5362; [emailprotected]. Hay, 4x4, round bales, barn kept, $35/bale, del. avail. Ricky Haller, 4312 Arnolds Run Rd., Philippi, 26416; 457-4448. Maple syrup, pure WV, $16/qt., $10/pt., $6/½ pts. Ed Hartman, HC 72, Box 175C, New Creek, 26743; 788-1831.

Sheep Sales Jacob 2, 4/15 heritage, 2-horn ram lambs out of JSBA reg, dams & same unreg. Jacob sire, lambs can be reg., good markings/disp., prefer to sell to breeding homes, $225/ea. Ashley Adkins, 133 Wilderness Lane, Crawley, 24932; 992-4518. Cross bred ewes, pasture exposed to start lambing in 12/15 to a Texel ram, $250/ea. Troy Forren, 700 Tyree Rd., Williamsburg, 24991; 520-6634. Ewes 3-mo. -6-yr., 4, ½ Dorset & 1, Black Welsh Mtn., good mothers, $150/ea. Pam Hayes, 195 Hillcrest Acres, Sisterville, 26175; 337-9252. Rams, commercial & wether sires, $250/up. John Johnston, HC 40, Box 16, Lewisburg, 24901; 645-2769. Reg. Suff. yrlg. rams & cross Suff. rams, $350/up; ram & ewe lambs, $300/up. Jerry Kimble, P.O. Box 241, Cabins, 26855; 257-1442; after 6 p.m. Hamp./Suff. cross 1/15 ram lambs, ready for breeding; 21-mo., ram, has sired grand cham-pion lambs, halter broke, $200/ea. Justin Mc-Clain, 2853 Dry Fork Rd., Salem, 26426; 782-3983. Katahdin ewes, 2, $150ea; wether lambs,

Volume 99, No. 9 September 2015 Oh Christmas Tree!can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come - [PDF Document] (8)

The Market Bulletin Page 8

Articles in this publication may be reprinted, with the exception of advertisem*nts, when a credit by-line is given to the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. The use of trade names in this publication is for purposes of clarity and information only. No endorsem*nt is made or implied of any product, or is it implied that similar products are less effective. Statement of Policy Regarding Equal Opportunity and Participation in Programs: It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Agriculture to provide its services and programs to all persons without regard to sex, race, color, age, religion, national origin or handicap.

Miscellaneous Sales, cont. Trailer, 2-horse, good tires & brakes, needs paint, $1,800. Sharon Haught, 225 Peaco*ck Lane, Davisville, 26142; 679-2097. Fish for stocking: Bass, 2"-4", $1.00; bluegill, 2"-3" & catfish, 4"-8, 50¢, bluegill & hybrid bluegill, 3"-5", 65¢; gold-fish, 4"-6", $1; minnows, $12/lb.; shiners 13 lb. grass carp, 9"-13", $12; koi, 5"-7", $6, del. avail. Fred Hays, P.O. Box 241, Elkview, 25070; 415-7617. 5/8 Pyrenees/1/4 Anantolian/1/8 Marenna, 7/15 pups, par-ents on premises, male, $100; female, $150. Ronald Kefau-ver, 1349 Alpha Hill Rd., Clarksburg, 26301; 745-4585. Acreage: Roane Co., 29 A. w/18X24 shed, some pas-ture, woods, crk., sm. pond, garden, new barbed wire fence, utilities avail., $79,500/may consider land contract w/money down, located on Rt. 33 next to Jackson Co. line. Harvey Keim, 118 Oak St., Spencer, 25276; 927-2291. Bale wagon, 9x18, new floor, $2,500; '14, 4x5 round bales, barn kept, $35/bale. Clay Lewis, 131 Prison Rd., Bruceton Mills, 26525; 379-8771. Trailer, Alexander built car hauler, excel. cond., pressure treated floors, tandum axles & breaks w/ramps, $2,500. Carl Loughridge, 2844 St. Johns Rd., Collier, 26035; 527-1355. NH 256 rake, new u-joints & drive shaft, $1,000; bush hog, 2446, 6' bucket, excel. cond., $500. Terry Mayfield, 7585 Smithville Rd., Harrisville, 26362; 643-4308. Rabbits: Giant & American Chinchilla breeding stock, strong lines, does/bucks, naturally raised on pasture w/no chemicals, $50/ea. Quincy McMichael, General Delivery, Re-nick, 24966; 992-2922. Hay, 4x5, round bales, net wrapped, clover, & orchard grass mix, put up dry, easy access, $30/bale. Charles Neale, 229 Neale Rd., Parkersburg, 26105; 295-4223. Saddle, big horn, excel. cond., $400. Mary Nelson, 14391 Tribble Rd., Leon, 25123; 761-2601. Collies, 7/15 pups, tri-colored, Lassie type, pure but w/o papers, good pets/livestock, vacc./wormed, parents on prem-ises, $200/ea. Steve Ostaff, 1651 Millseat Run Rd., Glenville, 26351; 462-7193. AKC Collie 6/15 pups, 2, males & 5, females, $350. Cary Ours, 92 E. Main St., Romney, 26757; 822-3009. Trailer, '98, 4-Star, all alum., 3-horse, slant load, 4x6 dress-ing rm., rear tack, excel. cond., $13,500; roping saddle, cus-tom made, all tool, 15" seat, $1,000. John Porter, 424 Travis Dr. Bridgeport, 26330. Hay, '15, 4x5 round bales, never wet, $25/bale. Douglas Randolph, 23167 Ripley Rd., Leon, 25123; 674-5267. Farm gates, steel, used, 2, 10', 2, 12', & 1, 16', $300/all;

acreage: Jackson Co., 30+ A., Sandyville area, rd. frontage, woods, pasture, natural springs, concrete watering troughs, completely fenced w/woven wire, hog & cattle panels, all utili-ties avail., $150,000. Shirley Rhodes, 8381 Parkersburg Rd., Sandyville, 25275; 273-5622. Hay, Fairmont-Grafton area, 1st cut, round bales, never wet, mixed meadow, great for horses, limed/fert. according to WV Agriculture soil test, easy access, will load, $35/bale. Leslie Rogers, 1020 Staduim Dr., St. Marys, 26170; 684-7133; [emailprotected]. Italian Prune Plums (Damson), 50¢/lb.; pears, $10/bu.; ap-ples: Grimes Golden, Jonathan, MacIntosh, Gala, $3.50 -$12/bu. bring containers, call for appt. Paula Ruggles, 131 French's Station Rd., Levels, 25431; 492-5751. Trailer, '12, stock combo, excel. cond., $3,000/firm; saddle, youth, 14" w/bridel/breast collar, balck/green, $100; nylon har-ness, med.pony size, brown, $200; Monna Rush, P.O. Box 1162, Beckley, 25802; 661-2714; [emailprotected]. Apples: fall varieties, avail. 9/1, $15 -$20/bu.; apple butter apples, $8/bu.; juice apples, $5/bu. Garry Shanholtz, 1328 Jer-sey Mtn. Rd., Romney, 26757; 822-5827; [emailprotected].. Hay, '14 & '15 round bales, 39"x54", mixed, never wet, barn kept, $25/bale. Mike Stephens, 204 New England Way, Wash-ington, 26181; 488-0140. Hay, good quality, mixed, 4' round bales, never wet, shed kept, easy access, will load, $30/bale. Dave Stephenson, 134 Dogwood Lane, Keslers Cross Lanes, 26675; 619-8454. Hay, sq. bales, 400, $3/bale/out of barn, can assist. w/loading. Hans Straight, 1815 Bone Crk. Rd., Berea, 26327; 904-2010. AKC Border Collie 7/15 pups, traditional black/white, most have full white collars, 4, females & 1, males, $350/ea., vacc./wormed, deposit required. Jennifer Testerman, HC 78, Box 18A, Hinton, 25951; 575-5335; [emailprotected]. Trailer, 20', alum. gooseneck, stock, excel. cond., has a mid-dle & rear sliding gate, $14,000/obo. James Withrow, P.O. Box 1023, Green Sulphur Springs, 25966; 466-1139. Hand spinning fleece, white & natural colors, Shetland, Bor-der Leicester, Horned Dorset/Shetland, $10/lb./+/-. Linda Zinn, 2162 Skelton Run, Wallace, 26448; 782-3704.

Miscellaneous Wants Collie female, sable. Lonnie Fast, 8 Fast Lane, Fairmont, 26554; 282-1210. Monthly/bi-monthly hay source in the Clayton area of Sum-mers Co. for 3 horses. Kelley Porterfield, 506 George Ballen-gee Rd., Alderson, 24910; 573-4709.

Garden Calendar

September/OctoberSource: WVU Extension Service

2015 Garden Calendar

SeptemberSept. 7 ...... Build a high tunnel.Sept. 8 ...... Build a cold frame.Sept. 9 ...... Seed carrots in high tunnel or cold frame.Sept. 10 .... Harvest early pumpkins.

Plant hardy evergreens.Sept. 11 .... Don’t let weeds go to seed.Sept. 12 .... Control broadleaf weeds in lawn.Sept. 14 .... Seed scallions (bunching onions) in cold

frame.Sept. 15 .... Plant garden mums. Harvest colored

peppers.Sept. 16 .... Begin pumpkin harvest Seed fall spinachSept. 17 .... Begin 14 hours of darkness to turn color .................. of poinsettias.Sept. 18 .... Seed rye and hairy vetch for winter cover .................. crop.Sept. 19 .... Seed lettuce in high tunnel. Re-pot.................. houseplants.Sept. 21 .... Take a fall soil test from lawn and garden.Sept. 23 .... Harvest early-planted sweet potatoes. Sept. 24 ... Water young trees and shrubs during dry .................. periods.Sept. 25 .... Seed salad greens in high tunnel.Sept. 28 .... Plant hyacinth.

OctoberOct. 1 ........ Build a high tunnel. Dig canna, dahlia, .................. glads, and tubular begonia.Oct. 2 ........ Harvest sweet potatoes.Oct. 3 ........ Harvest green tomatoes and gourds .................. before frost.Oct. 4 ........ Divide perennials. Harvest late pumpkins .................. before frostOct. 6 ........ Remove old crop residue and seed winter .................. cover crop.Oct. 7 ........ Harvest winter squash.Oct. 8 ........ Store winter squash in cool, dry location.Oct. 9 ........ Plant multiplier or potato onions. Plant .................. spring bulbs.Oct. 10 ...... Plant or transplant lilies that flower.................. July 15- Sept. 15.Oct. 12 ...... Seed spinach for overwintering.Oct. 13 ...... Turn compost.Oct. 14 ...... Seed arugula for overwintering.Oct. 15 ...... Prepare landscape bed for spring .................. planting.Oct. 16 ...... Plant or transplant deciduous trees and .................. shrubs after leaves drop.Oct. 17 ...... Save wildflower seeds for spring planting.Oct.19 ....... Mow lawn for the last time.Oct. 20 ...... Prune roses and root cuttings.

Exemption Allows Small-scale Rabbit Producers to Sell Meat at Farmers’ Markets West Virginians who raise rabbits on a small scale may now sell the meat at farmers’ markets and through consignment shops after registering with the West Virginia Department of Agriculture (WVDA). A Legislative code change this year exempted a limited number of rabbits from inspection and slaughter at premises where they are raised. The rule covers those who raise and slaughter up to 1,000 rabbits in a calendar year. The premises must be registered with the WVDA, which is free of charge, but does not have to undergo inspections. The producers must follow WVDA-approved guidelines:

• No person with a contagious disease can process rabbits.

• Only healthy rabbits are eligible for processing/sale.• Rabbits must be slaughtered in a humane method.• Rabbits must be slaughtered and dressed in a sanitary

manner. Cooling of rabbits must start immediately after slaughter and rabbits must be chilled to less than 40 degrees within 24 hours.

• Rabbits may be sold fresh but must be frozen if not sold within 72 hours• Equipment used in the processing of rabbits must be cleaned and sanitized as necessary.• Rabbits and rabbit parts must have the processor’s name and address, product name, net weight, safe

handling instructions, and slaughter date on each package label.• Sale and production records must be provided to a WV Department of Agriculture compliance officer/

inspector if and when requested.• Producers must keep records for a minimum of two years.

Previously, rabbit meat could only be sold if it was processed in a licensed facility. The change in the rules is expected to be a boost for small farmers who may produce up to 25,000 pounds of rabbit meat annually. The new rule also allows the WVDA to monitor the slaughter/sale of rabbits and to what markets. The rabbit producers still have fewer requirements than those raising animals such as cattle, chickens, and pigs.You can find the application for Registration to Slaughter and/or Process Rabbits Under Exemption on our website at www.agriculture.wv.gov.

Volume 99, No. 9 September 2015 Oh Christmas Tree!can tell you the history of just about every inch of that land. At 2,500 feet, he knows which trees grow best, what will sell come - [PDF Document] (2024)


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